Cari Pinjaman Peribadi Lain?
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi Personal Loan Summary
- Bank Name: Al-Rajhi
- Abbreviation / Code Name: –
- Bank Promotion Name: General Info about personal financing by Al-Rajhi
Apakah Bank Islam terbesar didunia?
Al-Rajhi Bank merupakan perbankan Islam terbesar didunia dari data yang diambil pada tahun 2006.
About Al-Rajhi Malaysia

Al-Rajhi bank was founded by in 1958, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and had been established in Malaysia and has many branches across the country. Internet banking services known as alrajhi 24 seven (Maybank and CIMB Bank with Maybank2u with Cimbclicks respectively) enable online transactions with ease. Personal loan Al-Rajhi Bank has indeed become so popular in last few years for its collaboration with the Cooperative Development Fund Berhad (KPUNB) and Kobeta has dominated the personal loans to government employees and statutory bodies.
Stay tuned for the latest info on personal loans latest promotions and updates. The most popular personal finance offers the lowest interest rate 3.99% and payout 99.1%.
This new product has not been started yet. You can still apply with the best cooperative such as Koperasi Gemilang Siswazah (kogemilang), Yayasan RCE Perlis, Koperasi Petronesa, Koperasi Kobena, Ikhtiar Destinasi, Coshare and many more.
Trust us. We will provide the best service to you. For applicants residing outside the Klang Valley, the form will be mailed to you. The application form needs to get approved by the employer / payroll unit. Open to permanent civil servants and police only. For private sector employees, you need to apply at the bank branch adjacent to obtain further information about the products and services provided.
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi Personal Financing-i
Need Funds for your Child Education, Home Renovation or Dream Vacations? Al Rajhi Personal Financing-i helps you to meet your financial requirements. Provides you the platform for you to obtain cash for personal use. Be it for home renovation or to meet your child’s education funds whereby our facility caters for such purpose.
Attractive rates as low as 6.99%* p.a. High financing limit up to 5 or 8 times your monthly income or RM150,000 whichever is lower Financing tenure of up to 8 years No guarantor required Financing product approved by Al Rajhi Bank Malaysia Shariah Board
*Terms and conditions apply.
Financing Basic Requirements
- Minimum age: 25 years old
- Minimum gross income: RM4,500* & above
*Subject to minimum annual income of RM60,000 & fixed income earner only
Personal Loan Rates & Charges
- Stamp Duty: MCSA 0.5% ad-valorem
- Takaful: Depends on the amount financing, tenure and age
- Retrieval/ Photocopy of Security Documents
Actual cost
- Lawyer’s fee for PF-Balance Transfer Programme
- RM 21.20 upon each approved Balance Transfer Programme
- BURSA transaction fee: As per Bursa Charges @RM15.90 per every RM 1,000,000.00
- Redemption Statement Fee: RM 10.60 per request
- Annual Financing Statement Fee: RM 5.30 per request (Ad-hoc)
*1strequest for the year is FOC
* All fees are inclusive 6% GST unless stated otherwise.
How to apply
- Step 1 – Fax or email your NRIC, Military ID or Police ID and the Personal Financing-i application form
- Step 2 – Our Financial consultants will assist you with your enquiries
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi Bank ini adalah 100% Syariah Compliant. Berdasarkan prinsip Islam. Tiada keuntungan berganda dan tiada unsur Riba dalam urusniaga perbankan. 100% perbankan Islam (Islamic Banking). Ia telah di asaskan oleh pada tahun 1958 yang berpengkalan di Riyadh, Arab Saudi.
Sehingga kini, Al-Rajhi telah bertapak di Malaysia dan mempunyai banyak cawangan di seluruh negara. Perkhidmatan perbankan internet sepertimana dipunyai oleh Maybank dengan perkhidmatan Maybank2u dan CIMB Bank dengan perkhidmatan cimbclicks membolehkan transaksi dilakukan atas talian. Pinjaman peribadi ini sememangnya telahpun dikenali sebelum ini sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Pernah usahasama dengan Koperasi Pembangunan Usahawan Berhad (KPUNB) dan Kobeta telah mendominasi pinjaman peribadi untuk kakitangan kerajaan dan badan berkanun.
Cetakan epenyata gaji anm dan laporan
Cetakan eslipgaji (payslip) jabatan akauntan negara malaysia. Cara mendaftar dan panduan semakan payslip akan ditunjukkan Nantikan info yang terkini mengenai pinjaman peribadi berkenaan promosi terkini dan terbaru. Info terkini yang diketahui adalah pembiayaan peribadi Al-Rajhi ini menawarkan interest serendah 3.99% dan payout 99.1%. Produk terbaru ini belum mula lagi. Anda masih boleh memohon dengan koperasi yang terbaik seperti di Koperasi Gemilang Siswazah (kogemilang), Yayasan RCE Perlis, Koperasi Petronesa, Koperasi Kobena, Ikhtiar Destinasi, Coshare dan lain-lain pinjaman
Bagi kakitangan swasta, anda perlu ke cawangan bank Al-Rajhi yang berdekatan untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai produk dan perkhidmatan yang disediakan. and
Hashtag / Keywords
Al-Rajhi Personal Loan Reviews
Customer Reviews about Al-Rajhi Personal Loan
Pinjaman Peribadi Al-Rajhi Personal Loan offering shariah compliant financing. Attractive rates and up to 10 years. Apply now
Mohd Azwan
Contact Al-Rajhi Bank Malaysia
- Tel: +603 2332 6000
- Fax: +603 2332 6062
- Level 17 Menara Chan
138 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur