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RAMCI Credit Info i-Risk Score Intelligent IRISS For Personal Loan

RAMCI Credit Info known as RAMCI and i-Risk Score Intelligent IRISS for personal loan. Get your credit i-score and banking credit information. More info
About RAM Credit Info RAMCI for Personal Loan
Halaman ini akan memaparkan RAM Credit Info RAMCI for Personal Loan dan item yang boleh didapati dalam RAMCI credit report ini seperti i-Risk Score Intelligent- IRISS, Banking Credit Information, i-Risk Score Intelligence – (IRISS), i-Score (credit i-score) dan Credit Score.
Sistem ini dikenali sebagai RAM Credit Info dibangunkan oleh syarikat RAM Credit Information Sdn Bhd yang terletak di Boulevard Jalan Syed Putra Kuala Lumpur. Ramci credit report akan dijanakan dalam bentuk pdf fail.
RAMCI i-Risk Score Intelligent- IRISS: Personal Loan
Section 1: i-Risk Score Intelligent -Summary
i-Score (credit i-score)
Information and Address in banking & RAMCI Databank i-Score (credit i-score)
Section 3: Litigation Information- Legal Suits- Subjects as defendant & bankruptcy action
Section 4: Trade Bureau/ Ohter Credit Reference Trade Bureau/ Credit Reference
NOTE: The following information is provided by third party sources for your reference. Searched Subject will also be listed if he/she is in Guarantor capacity. RAMCI does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Please check with the Creditors for confirmation as alleged debts may have been settled since recorded. Users should NOT treat the information as conclusive factor for evaluation purpose.
- Account Payment Profile
- Payment Trend (12 Months Period)
- Fintech Credit Details
- Trade/ Credit Reference
Section 5: Enquiries- Financial Related Search Count (paparan rekod pembayaran untuk 3 tahun yakni tahun terkini dan 2 tahun terkebelakang)
– Commercial Related Search Count Legends
Section 2: RAMCI Banking Credit Information
RAMCI Banking Credit Information : Banking Information Warning From the system, the user may see CCRIS Warning Message with the meaning as per below:
- Pending Verification-profile force added by a user awaiting verification by NRD/ROC/ROB of the profile.
- Rejected – the profile had been submitted to NRD for verification but it was rejected due to non-existence of record in the NRD database.
- Deceased- the profile had been submitted to NRD for verification but according to the NRD records, the individual is already “deceased”.
- Wound-up – the company had been reported as wound-up by ROC. Secured Facility Refer to loan which the borrower pledges some asset as collateral for the loan, which then becomes a secured debt owed to the creditor who gives the loan. Unsecured Facility Refer to loan that is not protected by a guarantor, or collateralized by a lien on specific assets of the borrower.
Credit Card average utilization last 6 months [(monthly credit card total outstanding balance/ total limit) for last 6 months]*100. The ratio of credit card utilized amount compared to your credit limit for the last 6 months. Other Revolving Credits average utilization last 6 months [(monthly other revolving credits facility total outstanding balance / total limit) for last 6 months] *100 The ratio of all other revolving loans outstanding amount compared to the total limit for the last 6 months.
It includes Overdraft, revolving credit facility, share margin financing facility, leasing receivables facility, other hire purchase receivables facility. Capacity Refer to whether the loan is taken directly or indirectly by the customer
- Own = the credit facility is obtained by the borrower himself.
- Joint = the credit facility is obtained by the borrower himself one of the borrowers in a joint application, eg. In a joint housing loan.
- Sole = the credit facility is obtained by the sole proprietorship in which the borrower is the owner.
- Partner= the credit facility is obtained by the partnership in which the borrower is one of the partners.
- Prof = the credit facility is obtained by the professional body eg. (i.e. lawyers, doctors, accountants who are not registered with ROB) in which the borrower is one of the partners.
i-Risk Score Intelligence – (IRISS)
Section 1: Summary
Item yang terkandung dalam RAMCI i-Risk Score Intelligence – (IRISS) seperti berikut:-
- i-Score (credit i-score)
- Credit Score
Note: The i-SCORE is a credit score, which is a numeric representation of an individual or corporate’s credit worthiness, based on prevailing information available on the credit files at the time of scoring. i-SCORE does not provide any conclusive evaluation or credit decisions for credit grantors
Dinilai dengan cara (Risk Grade Higher Risk)
The following information relating to shareholding/ directorship interest by the subject may not be current. There may be changes which may not be currently in our databank
Previous Known Companies/ Business
The following information relating to shareholding / directorship interest by the subject is as available now
Section 1: Summary Score Intepretation
Explanation iScore
Iscore is a credit score, which is a numeric representation of an individual or corporation’s credit worthiness, based on prevailing information available on the credit files at the time of scoring.
The i-score is calculated using advanced statistical (both banking and non-banking) from RAMCI to give you a simple 3 digits number to objectively assess your customers, business partners, verdorsand others for a better credit decision-the higher the numer, the better the individual or corporation’s credit worthiness.
Risk Grade
Risk Grade is risk segmentation for i-score range for easy understanding and application, it has 10 risks grades from 1 to 10. A risk grade of “10” is considering the best. For non-scored individual, the Risk Grade will be “N/A” as well. Probability of Default (%) It is the predicted likelihood of an individual or corporation not able to repay its debts within the next 12 months.
An individual with a higher probability of default is more risky than one with lower percentage. Keu contributing Factors (KCF) keys contributing factors are the key factors that have impact on why the individual or corporation’s. I-Score cannot be higher. It lists out the top 2 factors that lower the credit score. Non-scored segment. The following are 3 scenarios that entity will fall under non-scored segment with i-score=N/A
Hashtag / Keywords
RAMCI Credit Info i-Risk Score Intelligent IRISS For Personal Loan Reviews
Customer Reviews about RAMCI Credit Info i-Risk Score Intelligent IRISS For Personal Loan
RAMCI Credit Info known as RAMCI and i-Risk Score Intelligent IRISS for personal loan. Get your credit i-score and banking credit information. More info
Mohd Azwan
Contact RAMCI Credit Info
- Tel: 03-2615 1128
- Fax: +603-2284 8808
- Experian Information Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd
17-9 & 19-9, 9th Floor, Mid Valley Megamall,
Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City,
59200 Kuala Lumpur - Opening Hours:
8.30am-5.30pm Monday-Friday