Bank Islam Personal Loan

Bank Islam is the FIRST Islamic bank in Malaysia and has the widest network of dedicated Islamic banking channels. Click here for more info about personal loan from BIMB

Pinjaman Peribadi Bank Islam

Bank Islam Personal Loan Summary

  • Bank Name: Bank Islam Personal Loan
  • Abbreviation / Code Name: BIMB
  • Bank Koperasi Promotion Name: General Info about Bank Islam personal financing

The first Islamic Banking in Malaysia is Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad or knows as BIMB and is established in year 1983.

About Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Bank Islam is the first Islamic Banking in Malaysia. Offering wide range of personal loan to government and private sector


Bank Islam is the FIRST Islamic bank in Malaysia and has the widest network of dedicated Islamic banking channels, with more than 144 branches throughout the country. We are founded to provide banking and financial solutions that are based on the principles of Shariah, which focus on balancing Indvidual and social needs, as well as economic activities that promote justice as well as responsibility to the society and planet.

Over 35 Years of Service

1 July 1983 is a date of historic significance. It was when Bank Islam Malaysian Berhad or Bank Islam, in short, was officially established. The day marked the beginning of Islamic banking not just in Malaysia but also within the ASEAN region.

Bank Islam Personal Financing for Professional Program

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Applicant must be above 25 years old and not exceeding the retirement age at the end of payment period
  • Malaysian citizen
  • Working as a professional in Medical Doctor, Dentist, Accountant, Engineer, Lecturer, Architect, Safety Officer, Pharmacist, Veterinary, Optometrist or Optician, Quantity Surveyor and Actuary
  • Fixed income earner with a minimum gross income of RM3,500.

The Best Bank Islam Personal Loan Schemes

Bank Islam Personal Financing-i Non-Package


  • Applicant must be 18 years and not exceeding the retirement age at the end of payment period
  • Malaysian citizen
  • Earning a minimum fixed income of RM3,500 per month
  • Applicant must be a continued employee in any of the following:
  • Public Listed Companies

Bank Islam Personal Financing-i Package


  • Applicant must be 18 years and not exceeding the retirement age at the end of payment period
  • Malaysian citizen
  • Earning a minimum fixed income of RM2,000 per month

Applicant must be a continued employee in any of the following:

  • Government Sector
  • Selected Public Listed Companies
  • Subsidiaries of Government or Selected Public Listed Company
  • Other Prominent Private Limited Companies as categorized under package companies listed by Bank Islam

Bank Islam Personal Loan Interest Rate / Profit Rate

Personal Financing Loan Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad BIMB

Bank Islam Personal Financing for Professional Program

Base Rate (BR) + 1.90%/p.a

  • Financing Quantum Based on eligibility limit and subject to minimum amount of RM10,000 and maximum amount of RM300,000
  • Payment Period Maximum of 10 years (120 months) or up to the retirement age, whichever is earlier
  • Financing Rate Offer with Takaful Coverage Floating Rate 1-3 year: Base Rate (BR) + 1.90% p.a (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). 4-10 years: Base Rate (BR) + 2.11% p.a (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). Note: Revised BR (effective date 10 July 2020) is 2.52% p.a
  • Financing Rate Offer Without Takaful Coverage Floating Rate 1-3 year: Base Rate (BR) + 3.38% p.a (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). 4-10 years: Base Rate (BR) + 5.28% p.a (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). Note: Revised BR (effective date 10 July 2020) is 2.52% p.a

Bank Islam Personal Financing-i Non-Package 4.5% /p.a. (Flat)

  • Financing Quantum Based on eligibility limit and subject to minimum of RM10,000 and maximum amount of RM150,000
  • Payment Period Maximum 120 months (10 years) or up to the retirement age, whichever is earlier
  • Financing Rate Offer with Takaful Coverage Flat Rate 1 – 3 years: 4.5% p.a. (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”) 4 – 8 years: 4.9% p.a (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”) 9 – 10 years: 5.50% p.a. (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”)
  • Financing Rate Offer Without Takaful Coverage Flat Rate 1 – 3 years: 5.5% p.a. (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”) 4 – 8 years: 5.9% p.a (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”) 9 – 10 years: 6.5% p.a. (Flat). (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”)

Bank Islam Personal Financing-i Package

Base Rate (BR) + 3.38% /p.a

  • Features Financing Quantum Based on eligibility limit and subject to minimum amount of RM10,000 and maximum amount of RM300,000
  • Payment Period Maximum of 10 years (120 months) or up to the retirement age, whichever is earlier
  • Financing Rate Offer with Takaful Coverage Floating Rate (Base Rate [BR]) 1-3 years: Base Rate (BR) + 1.90% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). 4-10 years: Base Rate (BR) + 2.00% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). Note: Revised BR (effective date 10 July 2020) is 2.52% p.a
  • Financing Rate Offer Without Takaful Coverage Floating Rate (Base Rate [BR]) 1-3 years: Base Rate (BR) + 3.38% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). 4-10 years: Base Rate (BR) + 5.28% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a daily basis based on “Monthly Rest”). Note: Revised BR (effective date 10 July 2020) is 2.52% p.a
  • Financing Rate Offer with Takaful Coverage Flat Rate 1-10 years: 4.99% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”).
  • Financing Rate Offer Without Takaful Coverage Flat Rate 1-10 years: 5.99% p.a. (Profit is calculated on a monthly basis based on “Sum of Digit”).


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#personalloan #Bank #BIMB

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